A continent is a group of countries collected together under one name.
Usually this is decided by how close the countries are to each other
and how much of a shared culture they have.
There are 7 continents of the world and they are:
Learn about each of the 7 Continents by clicking on them below:
It is widely accepted that there are 7 continents in the world however sometimes this number can changed depending on how you group countries. See some examples below:
Eurasia - This would include Europe and Asia as they are both connected together.
The Americas - This would include North, Central and South America all three land masses and countries are connected.
Australasia - This would include only Australia and New Zealand. The name Oceania includes the Pacific Islands to the East.
1. Take a look at the map of the World.
2. Try and make a new continent of your own and explain why.
3. Is it because there are lots of countries connected together? Do they share a similar culture. Do they have the same animals?