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Free geography activity packs for homesc

This FREE to use geography platform is designed to make learning about the world fun for children aged 5-11. Archibold Clutterbuck will help your children learn about everything form the seven continents to the five oceans, indigenous people to endangered animals.


As well as an encyclopaedic website we also have quizzes to test their knowledge on all the subjects, activity packs and a YouTube channel where they can catch up on all Archie's latest adventures.


Download your FREE activity packs now by signing up to the link on the right and start your Worldly Adventure today.

There are lots more Geography  Activity Packs to keep your kids entertained...

Oceans Activity Pack

The 5 Oceans

Indigenous People Activity Pack

Indigenous People

Environments Activity Pack


Endangered Animals Activity Pack

Endangered Animals

Archibold Clutterbuck

...PLUS there's loads to learn on our FREE to use website!

Fun Facts about the 7 continents of the
Fun facts on endangered animals
Learn about the worlds oceans and seas
Archie's Extraordinary Top 5
Learn about the worlds environments
Fun Fact about the indigenous people of the world
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