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Your FREE South America activity pack

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

Hello adventurers, homeschoolers, teachers and children all over the world! We have some free activity packs for you!

The new times we find ourselves in are going to be tough and not being able to go outside and explore the world like we do everyday will be even tougher. Hopefully with Archibold Clutterbuck your children can learn about their world and come out of this whole experience as Worldly Adventurers. As you may know our geography education website is free to use and is jam-packed with activities, information, videos and quizzes...but thats not all from us.

Every week for the next 7 weeks we'll be giving you a FREE activity pack to share with your children on each of the 7 Continents. Our first one is on South America. Simply click the link below, sign up to our mailing list and get your download...its that easy.

We hope you enjoy and please stay safe. Let us know how you get on on our Instagram and Facebook @archiboldclutterbuck

*If you've already signed up to our mailing list then check your emails :)


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